An interesting letter appeared on the Internet. The boy Peter P. wrote to Santa Claus from the Gradiška Cultural Centre.
“Dear Santa,
I have only one wish and I ask you to fulfill it. When you get back to the North Pole, take all the politicians, but I mean all of them. Don’t forget anyone of them here. Please just keep them well, so they don’t run away. Then I’ll be able to watch my programme on TV, without my dad watching the National Assmebly broadcast and their feuds. Please hire them there, at the North Pole, to pack your toys and sweets. Just be careful, they will be arguing there too, because they are so used to it. If you let them argue, they will do nothing, and next time you will have to come without toys and candy. I hope you can handle it and fulfill my wish. Just to tell you that as far as I’m concerned, you don’t have to pay them back.
Your Peter P. ”
The boy got a response quickly.
“Dear Peter,
Santa Claus from the Gradiška Cultural Centre isn’t able to fulfill this wish. It may be the only one that is impossible to fulfill for a child, but we have certainly published your letter in the hope that all politicians will read it and understand how little Peter feels and thinks.”