The House of Peoples of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly adopted today, in both readings, the Law on the Budget of the B&H Institutions and International Obligations of B&H for this year, in the amount of about 1,8 billion KM, which was proposed by the B&H Presidency.
This proposal was adopted by the House of Representatives at a session on Wednesday, the 18th December, and according to the document, the total revenues, receipts and financing of B&H institutions for this year, is in the amount of 966 million KM, which is 16 million KM more than in 2018.
825,760,678 KM was earmarked for servicing B&H’s external debt, which is less by 178,301,651 KM than in the previous year.
The Chairman of the Committee on Finance and Budget, Dušanka Majkić informed the House of Peoples that a modification had been adopted at the session about the budget, so the section on the activities of the Ministry of Defense was replaced with the words “other forms of cooperation with NATO” instead of “joining NATO”.
Bosniak delegate Denis Bećirović noted that the House of Peoples debated about the 2019 budget proposal 10 days before the end of this year, and that all deadlines for budget review in the Parliamentary Assembly were long overdue.
Bećirović also referred to individual budget items, including an increase in the budget line for the B&H Parliament.
Croatian delegate Zlatko Miletić asked the Minister of Finance and Treasury, Vjekoslav Bevanda whether this budget corrects the injustice against police officers at B&H security agencies when it comes to hot-meal fees and other dues.
Answering the question, Bevanda explained that due to the payment of these compensations, the budget for 2019 was increased by 16 million KM.
With the approval of the ratification of contracts and agreements for financing several infrastructure and other projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina, worth around one billion euros, the urgent session of the House of Peoples was completed.