The geographic origin of Romanija-made skorup-kajmak /home made cream/ is protected in all signatory states of the Lisbon Treaty, after nearly two-year-long work on this part of the project, the Sokolac Regional Unit of the Agricultural Support Service at the line ministry of Republika Srpska, told SRNA.
Regional Unit Head Jelena Micic said that the certificate of the World Intellectual Protection Organisation /WIPO/ was received by the Association of Romanija Skorup-Kajmak Producers, which recognizes the right to protect skorup kajmak in 29 countries of the world, including nine EU member states.
She emphasized that the protection of geographic origin has created preconditions for the development of a recognisable brand of Romanija-made skorup-kajmak, which will provide a lasting competitive advantage for this product’s producers of the broader Romanija region, and enable easier placement of brand making it more recognizable in all markets.
Vlacic explained that the protection of geographic origin prevents unauthorized production and marketing of skorup-kajmak in all member states of the World Intellectual Protection Organisation.
“This registration will be a guideline for other producers of our indigenous agricultural/food products. Within the ICAM project in cooperation with the Intellectual Property Institute of BiH, a guidebook will be developed for those producers who similarly plan to protect indigenous agricultural products from other parts of our country,” Micic said.
Association of Romanija skorup-kajmak producers was founded in early 2014 gathering active members from the municipalities of Sokolac, Han Pijesak and Rogatica in order to protect the name and origin of this indigenous product.
Source: srna