The main policy objectives of the Government of Republic of Srpska for the period 2018-2022. years have been defined in seven priorities, among which are increasing the competitiveness and productivity of the economy with the aim of increasing salaries, and a sustainable health system points out in the Economic Reform Program from 2020 to 2022.
– Priorities are an efficient public sector, education system and labor market tailored to the needs of the economy, improving the demographic position of Republic of Srpska, research, development, innovation and the digital economy, and European integration, regional and international cooperation – specified in this document, which is the National Assembly of the Republic adopted in December last year.
The defined goals include measures that will implement the guidelines for policies adopted in the economic and financial dialogue last May, but with full respect for the constitutional powers of each level of government in BiH and the competencies of the institutions.
– The Republic of Srpska Government has tasked the Coordinator from Srpska with the process of drafting the BiH economic reform program 2020-2022. performs exclusively in such a way that the Republic of Srpska remains clearly visible in the process and in the document, in accordance with the constitutional powers and competencies of the institutions of the Republic of Srpska – the document states.
The document recalls that the labor market in Srpska has seen an increase in staff.