Originaly called “Serb republic of BiH” The Republic of Srpska was founded and established on 9th of January 1992 by Serbian envoys in Parliament of BiH. After voting and seccesion from Yugoslavia, Serbs were established as one of three constitutional nations. After that, position and authorizations of Srpska were confirmed by signing Dayton in 1995. After ratification of the agreement, Srpska was formed as one of the two entities with its three part of control – legislative, court and executive potency.
The Republic of Srpska is spreading on 24.857 squere meters and by the latest census from 2013 thhere is 1.170.342 citizens and 414.847 households and more than 21.000 combatants lost their lives during the war in the name of Srpska and for it’s existence today.
National Assembly of Srpska didn’t stop with it’s work even during the war. After courts decision that 9th of January is not recognized as national day, Srpska organized referendum in 2016 about that important question and citizens have decided – 9th of January was and will be the day that Srpska celebrates, no matter what court said.
Basic economic branch that Srpska can be proud of are energy resources, metal industry, electro and chemistry as well as wood processing industry and industry of textile.
Srpska is blessed with it’s natural weath such as mountains Zelengora, Treskavica, Jahorina, Romanija, Grmeč, Kozara and Ozren which are rich in forest and different species of animals but also interesting for tourism and exploration.
Republic of Srpska can be gratefull also on beautiful and powerfull rivers such as Una, Sana, Vrbas, Ukrina and Tara, one of the cleanest rivers on the Balkan peninsula.