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The Second Budget Revision and a Set of Laws for Relieving the Economy Were Adopted


At its 13th regular session, the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska today adopted the second revision of the Budget of the Republic of Srpska for 2020 – by urgent procedure, and the Law on Amendments to the Law on Execution of the Budget of the Republic of Srpska for 2020 – by urgent procedure and the Report on Temporary Deviation of Consolidated budget deficit from fiscal rules.

An urgent procedure was adopted to reduce parafiscal levies and burden on the economy of the Republic of Srpska: the Law on Amendments to the Law on Special Republic Taxes, the Law on Amendments to the Law on Communal Taxes with one accepted amendment, and the Law on Amendments to the Law on Administrative Taxes. tax.

The National Assembly adopted the Law on Amendments to the Law on Income Tax by Urgent Procedure, which stipulates that property acquired through inheritance and gifts is exempt from the capital gains tax, and the Law on Factoring with one adopted amendment which becomes an integral part of the law.

The Draft Law on Acquiring the Status of an Independent Artist and an Independent Expert in Culture was also adopted.

At its 13th regular session, the Parliament adopted reports on the basis of the Law on Fiscal Responsibility in the Republic of Srpska: Report of the Fiscal Council of the Republic of Srpska on the implementation of the Law on Fiscal Responsibility in the Republic of Srpska for 2019 and Report of the Fiscal Council of the Republic of Srpska on January 1, 2019. – 31.12.2019. years.




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