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The Serb is among the top 5 most inspirational philanthropists alongside Bill Gates and Mark Zakenberg


UK-based Entrepreneur & Investor magazine has named Serbian-Canadian Filip Filipi to its ‘Top 5 Most Inspiring High Profile Philanthropists‘ in company with Mark Zuckerberg, Bill and Melinda Gates and actress Rosario Dawson.

The profile piece touches on the current success of the Canadian music scene, which Filipi left at the age of 24 to found the 28. Jun humanitarian organization, the £7m of aid they donated since and fleeing his homeland as a child due to war.
Filipi was just seven when his family were amongst the estimated 5.1m Serbs fleeing their homeland, as the Western Balkans war raged around them.
The humanitarian created the charity, 28 Jun to help people in need in his former homeland, and delivered £7m of aid, including critical medical supplies. He has also taken on a role within the United Nations, to provide a voice for those that cannot speak.

He also built a team of Serbs displaced around the world who shared his vision, whilst having a chronic phobia of flying, meaning he traversed the planet via land and sea only.

Filipi’s story is one of the greater good outweighing personal ambition, and the remarkable ability one person has to change society when they focus on this above all.




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