Home News Traditional St. Sava Ball Held in Vienna

Traditional St. Sava Ball Held in Vienna


The most influential representatives of the Serbian diaspora, Austrian businessmen and representatives of the cultural and public life of Srpska, Serbia, and also Vienna, gathered in the capital of Austria at the St. Sava Ball.

The most significant event that brings together the Serbian Diaspora in Vienna, was held for the 23rd time, organized by the Serbian Center and sponsored by M: tel Austria. This year’s event was of a humanitarian nature.

With the Anthem of Saint Sava and the youngest from the choir of the Serbian Educational and Cultural Society “Prosvjeta” and the Slavic candle, the Svetosavski Ball began – the richest event gathering the Serbian Diaspora in Vienna.

At the ball, which has a humanitarian character and at which a little over 46,500 euros was raised for Serb enclaves in Kosmet this year, Republic of Srpska was represented by National Assembly Vice-President Milan Petković.

The first event of this kind in this city took place in the 19th century in 1846, organized by Prince Milos Obrenovic, who even hired Johann Strauss Jr. to compose “Serbian Quadrille” for the ball especially. This year’s guest of honor was Prince Philip and Princess Danica Karađorđević.

– Events like this are extremely useful because they showcase our wealth and tradition, especially in magnificent places such as the city of Vienna. This is certainly useful for our country, to show the rest of the world that we are wonderful, warm people – Prince Philip pointed out.

It is interesting to note that this ball has been included in the official calendar of the ball season in Vienna, a city that benefits greatly from such festivities. During the ball season, according to some estimates, Vienna earns about 140 million euros, and the city is visited by about 500 thousand people during this period.




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