Home Economy Tropic Group” from Banja Luka officially took over Delhaize BiH

Tropic Group” from Banja Luka officially took over Delhaize BiH


The company Tropic Group from Banja Luka officially took over on Friday the ownership of the Belgian retail chain Delhaize BiH. Herewith the RS has received the largest domestic retail network.

That this act of final acceptance of the hundred-percent ownership of 39 stores of Delhaize BiH, which bore the name “Tempo” and “Maxi” by domestic companies is of great importance, was confirmed by economic analysts and representatives of the business community in RS .

As stated, such a national chain store, which will employ more than 1,000 workers, is a platform for marketing local products, where these products have safe sale and money collection, but will also represent a significant local sales network that will be capable of being competitive with foreign trade chains on the market.

The signing of the agreement with the representatives of the Belgian company, on behalf of the “Tropic group”, was attended in Belgrade on Friday by members of the Board, Mirko and Bojan Risović.

“The official takeover was realized in accordance with the agreement that we signed with the company ‘Delhaize’ in March this year, after approval of the Competitive Council BiH. With this acquisition we are expanding the existing local retail chain, which operates under the name of ‘Moj Market’, to 39 facilities across the country,” said Bojan Risović, a member of the Board of “Tropic group.” He pointed out that “Tropic” thus becomes the third largest retailer in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the largest in the RS.

“From next week we will be introducing the employed with the benefits that this acquisition brings, as well as business activities which are before us,” said Risović.


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