Tulip, with red and yellow colors overflowed over it, doesn’t carry the name “Banja Luka” by accident.
Everything started in 1974, when a team of Banja Luka’s “Florists”, led by Petar Đurić, made this tulip for Dutch compan<.
The tulip is made by crossing two colors of Apeldorn, red and yellow. After that, the flower was cultivated in the Netherlands for European and world market.
The Dutch Museum of Tulips confirmed that this species is well-known in the world and is named after the town on Vrbas.
Tulipan “Banjaluka” is officially planted in his town, and these days he also flourished in the park of Petar Kočić.
In addition to tulips of Banja Luka, the famous Festival of Flowers will be returned. It will be held on May 17, 18 and 19.
Generations from Banja Luka remember the former Flower Exhibitions bringing together producers and guests from all over Europe. It was set up by experts from the Netherlands, joined with those from Banja LUka
The exhibition was held at the Cultural Center, today’s Banski dvor, and later in the Gallery, today the Museum of Contemporary Art of Republic of Srpska.