Home Uncategorized U.S. Embassy: Blog’s goal was to express concern for flood victims’ welfare

U.S. Embassy: Blog’s goal was to express concern for flood victims’ welfare


The U.S. Embassy in BiH released a statement saying that the goal of the recently published blog, in which it said that elected officials in BiH should do more to respond to the consequences of the destructive floods and landslides, was to express concern for the welfare of victims of these natural disasters.

In a press release, the U.S. Embassy stresses that every citizen deserves security, safety, food, and a roof over their head.

They added that the aforementioned blog was the product of numerous discussions and debates. They consider that this type of dynamic discourse is of key importance for the health of a democratic system.

“We believe that the political establishment, on all levels, government or otherwise, should do more to work together to resolve a series of problems that arose from these unprecedented floods. Although we encourage citizens to go to the elections in October, we do not support any single concrete candidate nor party,” the statement from the U.S. Embassy concludes.

You can find the blog in the local and English language here.


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