Home Politics United Russia backs declaration on “Serb national identity”

United Russia backs declaration on “Serb national identity”


A high-ranking official of Russia’s ruling United Russia says the party supports declaration on preservation of the Serb “national identity.”

Sergei Zheleznyak spoke in Moscow, after a meeting with members of the leadership of Serbia’s ruling SNS party.

“The (SNS) party proposes the drafting of a declaration, together with other parties of Balkan countries, aimed at preserving the Serb national identity, culture, language, and Cyrillic (alphabet),” Zheleznyak is quoted as saying in a United Russia statement carried Beta. 

According to Zheleznyak, United Russia is ready to take “most active” part in drafting the appropriate documents, while working with its colleagues from the State Duma, the Duma Committee on International Affairs, and the friendship groups with parliaments of Balkan countries. 

“We support the efforts of our Serb colleagues in passing that declaration. For our part, we are ready to do all we can to offer party and political support, so that the content of that document becomes known globally,” Zheleznyak was quoted as saying. 

He also said that Russia sees “serous pressure” being applied by the US and NATO on “the Serb world” and the Balkans as a whole – and that it is concerned over the dramatic events in Montenegro and Macedonia. 


Source: b92


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