Republika Srpska Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said last night that Srpska was the better part of BiH, as evidenced by different parameters.
– One example is that Republika Srpska was overthrown by the Federation of BiH / FBiH / for almost one billion KM for pensions. Republika Srpska paid more than KM 800 million for social welfare for workers who lost their jobs in the privatization process, while the FBiH paid nothing. That is what I am talking about, that is, we are better than the FBiH – said Viskovic at the Republika Srpska National Assembly.
He reminded that Srpska was also charged for part of the funds of KM 200 million earmarked for investments, as well as KM 38 million from the allocation of funds from the Indirect Taxation Authority of BiH.
– Our taxes and contributions are lower than those in the FBiH, as is the price of electricity. These are our strengths and that is why I am proud. We will do our best to keep it that way – Viskovic said.
Source: SRNA