Home News Vučić: “Mini-Schengen” Is Connecting the Region

Vučić: “Mini-Schengen” Is Connecting the Region


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, stated that he would never give up on the idea that he thinks is the best for the entire region, and that is “mini-Schengen”.

– It’s our binding. Whether it will lead to EU membership is one question, but we need to ask ourselves what we can do for ourselves, for our peoples, to build a structure … One of the projects is very important for us, about which we talk all the time and with Europe, and about which we will additionally discuss with the Americans, it is the Belgrade-Sarajevo railway – said Vučić in an interview for “Daily Avaz”.

He mentioned that Serbia is building its own section of the highway, one towards BiH, and soon another, because it has been neglected for decades, as if someone wanted Serbia and BiH to always be separated, among other things, in a bad way.

– We will continue to talk about the Belgrade-Sarajevo railway, which is much more realistic than some too expensive projects that are related to other countries and other parts of our region – the President of Serbia pointed out.

When asked if there was talk of BiH during the visit to Washington, Vučić said that it was not and that there was no intention to be.

– Serbia respects the integrity of BiH, just as we respect the integrity of the Republic of Srpska within BiH. We have no problem with that. We want better relations – said Vučić.

After the agreement was signed with the representatives of self-proclaimed Kosovo in Washington, Vučić said that a very good agreement was made, with the fact that, when it is done with the Americans, then it is known that there will be an influence on the other side to implement these things.

– I think that is very important for us and we have to position ourselves in that way. It is of crucial importance what we will do and how we will work in the economy – Vučić assessed.




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