In order to celebrate World Oceans Day on 8 June, Goran Colak from Croatia, multiple free-diving world champion and world record holder, has filmed a video about the increasing problem of microplastics in our marine environment. Today, microplastics, mainly due to human negligence, represent an invisible, but a dangerous form of pollution that ultimately affects even humans.
Ususret Svjetskom danu oceana koji se obilježava 8. lipnja, višestruki svjetski prvak i rekorder u ronjenju na dah Goran Colak u suradnji s organizacijom Green Sail snimio je video o rastućem problemu mikroplastike u morskom okolišu. Mikroplastika danas, uglavnom zbog ljudskog nemara, predstavlja gotovo nevidljiv, ali opasan oblik zagađenja koji naposljetku dolazi i do ljudi.Poslušajte Goranovu poruku u videu! 🗣🎥🌊In order to celebrate World Oceans Day on 8 June, Goran Colak, multiple free-diving world champion and world record holder, has filmed a video about the increasing problem of microplastics in our marine environment. Today, microplastics, mainly due to human negligence, represent an invisible, but a dangerous form of pollution that ultimately affects even humans. More on Goran's message in the video! 🗣🎥🌊
Gepostet von Green Sail am Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2019