Republika Srpska Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic told SRNA that the indicator of “successful” work of the BiH Council of Ministers is that none of the reform laws forwarded to the BiH parliament has passed, and that the Council of Ministers chairman, Denis Zvizdic, has no right to accuse Srpska and blame the SNSD just because he was betrayed by coalition partners.
“The SNSD is an opposition at BiH level and is not in charge of preserving the ruling structure and majority at that level of government,” Cvijanovic has stressed anent Zvizdic’s statement that the overturn of the Report on work performance of the Council of Ministers in the BiH Parliament is the result of “an unprincipled coalition between the SBB and the SNSD aimed at destroying BiH’s path to the EU and overturning the report”m which was established that day.
According to her, just because Zvizdic has been betrayed by coalition partners – the SDS, including a part of the deputies from his own party, in the Reform Agenda implementation, and the SBB by not supporting the report on work performance of the Council of Ministers of BiH, it does not give him the right to accuse Republika Srpska of his own failures, and put a blame on the SNSD.
“Even if Republika Srpska sent the answers to the European Commission’s Questionnaire six months ago, this and such Council of Ministers has failed to make assumptions even for the process of translating this material, not to mention that they have been obstructing for months and are still obstructing the coordination mechanism,” said Cvijanovic.
According to her, this incessant complaining of the BiH Council of Ministers is ridiculous, since it persistently accuses others of its failures in the parliament.
“I must remind him that both the Government and the National Assembly of Republika Srpska have fulfilled all of their obligations from the Reform Agenda seven months ago, and that none of the laws that came out of it was supported by the parties pretendedly being Zvizdic’s coalition European force,” Cvijanovic stressed.
On the other hand, as far as the Council of Ministers is concerned, she stresses, none of the reform laws forwarded to the BiH parliament passed, which is actual indicator of the work and capacity of this “successful” Council of Ministers.
“Everything else – photographing and posing before cameras, giving fictitious promises in foreign destinations, and looking for a culprit in the Srpska institutions for their own mistakes and lack of work, is nothing more than selling the Brooklyn Bridge /selling a fog/. The difference is that there is no more bridge /the fog/ to buy,” said Cvijanovic.
After all, she has added, Zvizdic is expected, as the European officials wrote to him, to provide internal coordination concerning the Law on excise duties and the Transport Community Treaty, because it is clear to them that the Council of Ministers of BiH is circumventing the coordination mechanism.
“Asking the entity prime ministers to reconsider the excise duties or some other model once again, after doing it so many times, and being fully defined by the Reform Agenda and the Letter of Intent with the IMF, is irresponsible and unserious,” is the opinion of the Srpska prime minister.
She has stressed that it is equally frivolous to accuse Republika Srpska Government of BiH’s non-accession to the Transport Community when it is widely known that the Council of Ministers of BiH has not dealt with this topic for months, spending more time and energy on circumventing the coordination mechanism rather than on resolving any issues
source: SRNA